One%24DB is Daffodil Software's open source version of its Daffodil DB-commercial java database. It is a standards-based "J2EE-certified JDBC 3.0 and SQL 99 compliant" platform independent database that can be embedded into any application and requires minimal administration. Daffodil Software supports migrations from databases such as Cloudscape Pointbase MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server to its Daffodil DB solution. The company also offers its own open source CRM solution as well as an automatic installation package CODAF "Compiere %2B Daffodil DB" program for Compiere users that wish to use the Compiere ERP system with the Daffodil database as opposed to an Oracle database. For more information see the company's web site Product page Project page Daffodil CRM project page Daffodil's CODAF page