Tag: map
Hayden Island | 02-24-20 | No Situs: Near the intersection of N Hayden Island Drive terminus & UPRR Railroad Bridge on East Hayden Island |Zone Map Error Correction Review - DECISION | LU 20-102890 ZE
2020-02-21 19:00:13| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 4,028kbCategory: North Portland Neighborhood Services Decisions
Swine fever vaccine progress: Pirbright and UCL scientists map African swine fever genome
2020-02-21 11:15:00| ThePigSite - Industry News
Scientists from The Pirbright Institute have worked with UCL to map the expression of genes across the entire African swine fever virus (ASF) genome, which has helped to establish their order of activation as well as uncovering new genes.
Tags: map
Northwest District | 1-29-20 | Lot w/frontage on both NW 25th Ave & NW 24th Place between NW Upshur & NW Vaughn St | Zone Map Amendment - HEARINGS OFFICER DECISION | LU 19-245706 ZC
2020-01-30 22:34:34| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 49,388kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest Decisions
Flanders Scoping Map
2020-01-28 19:09:05| PortlandOnline
Updated January 2020 PDF Document, 1,375kbCategory: NW Flanders Bikeway Project
Proposed Projects Map
2020-01-28 02:50:29| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 1,558kbCategory: Program Overview
Tags: map
proposed projects
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