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Pemexs Oil Reserves Replacement Rate Jumps in 2019

2020-05-12 15:13:10| OGI

Pemexs 2019 replacement rate, a measure of new discoveries compared to ongoing production, jumped to 120.1% due to new discoveries and revisions.

Tags: rate oil replacement reserves


Cairn Revises Up Kraken Oil Field Reserves, Reversing Impairment

2020-03-10 14:45:12| OGI

Cairn, which owns 30% of Kraken, upgraded its reserves estimates at the field by 6.4 million barrels of oil equivalent after it performed better than expected last year.

Tags: field oil reserves impairment


China expects to release 20,000 tonnes of frozen pork from state reserves

2020-03-04 11:30:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

According to a government notice on Tuesday 3 March, China will release 20,000 tonnes of frozen pork on 5 March.

Tags: state china release reserves


Unlocking Stranded Reserves With Unattended Installations

2020-01-21 13:00:00| OGI

A digitally enabled floating production buoy concept provides opportunities to�exploit marginal fields in the U.K. North Sea and farther afield.

Tags: reserves installations stranded unattended


Tullow�To Book $1.5 Billion Writedown On Oil Price Outlook, Reserves

2020-01-15 15:10:30| OGI

The reduction in oil price assumptions brings�Tullow�more in line with peers expectations, CFO Les Wood said during a conference call.

Tags: price book oil billion


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