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6 Trending Headlines: Backlog of heavy cattle remains; PLUS: Tips to make preconditioning pay

2020-07-20 18:03:00| Beef

Nearly a million head of heavyweight fed cattle are still in feedyards. The market ramifications of that will last for some time. That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: make tips pay heavy


6 Trending Headlines: USDA announces FMD vaccine bank; PLUS: Hold em or move em?

2020-07-13 14:08:00| Beef

USDA plumps up the vaccine bank for FMD. Plus, should you hold your calves or sell them? That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: em move hold bank


6 Trending Headlines: Plan for drought; PLUS: USDA wants your thoughts on RFID ear tags

2020-07-06 17:43:00| Beef

Drought is spreading across much of cattle country. Plan now to recude stocking rate. That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: plan tags thoughts headlines


6 Trending Headlines: The future aint what it used to be; PLUS: Keep those teenagers safe

2020-06-29 19:22:00| Beef

What will the beef business look like in 20 years? That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: those future keep safe


6 Trending Headlines: Groups encourage Trump to stand firm on China; PLUS: CFAP payments almost $3 billion and growing

2020-06-22 18:11:00| Beef

The tug-of-war between the U.S. and China continues. That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: and china groups stand


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