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Mexicos President Pitches Law That Could Suspend Oil Permits

2021-03-29 11:05:00| OGI

In a new initiative by Mexican President Andr�s Manuel L�pez Obrador, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, set out a series of measures to strengthen state influence over the oil and gas industry.

Tags: law president oil permits


Rights Groups Call on Total to Suspend Payments in Myanmar

2021-03-16 15:07:16| OGI

Total says it is worried about the situation following the coup.

Tags: rights total call groups


US and EU suspend tariffs in Boeing Airbus row

2021-03-05 19:56:54| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The move comes a day after the US agreed to suspend its tariffs on UK imports stemming from the dispute.

Tags: row suspend boeing tariffs


National Express to suspend all services

2021-01-07 14:13:35| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The firm says tighter Covid restrictions and falling passenger numbers have prompted the decision.

Tags: services national express suspend


Covid: Grand Central and Hull Trains suspend services for a third time

2021-01-06 10:19:17| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

It is the third time Grand Central and Hull Trains have temporarily stopped services.

Tags: time services central third


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