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Cattle breeders should check bull fertility after recent snowstorms

2021-03-09 15:30:00| Beef

Frostbite can cause temporary or permanent sterility in bulls. Producers are encouraged to work with veterinarians to determine best course of action.

Tags: check recent bull cattle


Do you have ample bull power for breeding season?

2021-03-01 19:18:00| Beef

How many cows should I expect my bull to cover? 

Tags: power season bull breeding


Item 140 Bull Run Filtration Project property purchase at 35227 SE Carpenter Lane

2021-02-26 22:39:29| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 717kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: item project run property


Cowboys, sale barns, and bull buying reviewed

2021-02-12 15:33:00| Beef

Being effective in the cattle business means covering a lot of factors, and this week it's time to look at your bull buying plan.

Tags: sale buying reviewed bull



2021-02-11 00:20:31| PortlandOnline

108 NE 28TH AVE - COMMENTS DUE 3-10-21 - LIQUOR PDF Document, 1,607kbCategory: Inner Southeast Portland (SEUL)

Tags: run pizza bull bull run


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