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Facebook, Twitter and Google face questions from US senators

2020-10-28 18:59:49| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Heads of Facebook, Google and Twitter defend a key piece of internet law, in front of senators.

Tags: us questions google face


Senators want answers on meat exports vs. domestic shortages

2020-06-26 18:21:00| National Hog Farmer

Legislative Watch: Probing into meat shortages; relief for small meat plants; China wants COVID-free import guarantee; trade agenda addressed.

Tags: answers domestic meat exports


U.S. Senators Move to Tighten Sanctions on Delayed Russia-to-Germany Gas Pipeline

2020-06-05 14:57:46| OGI

U.S.�senators revealed a bill on June 4 expanding�sanctions�on Russias Nord Stream 2 natural�gas�pipeline�and targeting the project Washington says will boost Moscows economic and political influence in�Germany�and other European countries.

Tags: move gas delayed pipeline


Senators Expected to Introduce Sanctions on Russias Nord Stream 2

2020-06-01 15:15:26| OGI

Measure by Cruz and Shaheen could be proposed by June 1.

Tags: expected nord stream introduce


Senators Weigh Additional Sanctions on Russias Nord Stream 2

2020-05-28 16:17:03| OGI

Shaheen, Cruz consider broadening the scope of their sanctions legislation.

Tags: additional nord stream sanctions


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