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SandRidge Energy Exits Colorado North Park Basin Asset in $47 Million Sale

2020-12-14 23:00:00| OGI

SandRidge Energy agreed to the sale of its North Park Basin asset in Colorado, which marks the Oklahoma City-based independents transformation into a pure-play Midcontinent E&P company.

Tags: north sale park million


Omantels tower sale could generate around $500 million

2020-12-14 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Rumours that Omantel was first looking to sell its tower infrastructure came in October, with the government-owned telco feeling the economic strain of the coronavirus, having seen a 28% drop in profit since the start of the financial year…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: sale million generate tower


Parsley Lays Off Workers As Part of Sale to Pioneer Natural Resources

2020-12-11 22:00:00| OGI

The Parsley Energy layoffs include 234 workers, though some of those employees will be offered jobs with Pioneer Natural Resources�in Las Colinas or Midland, Texas, a letter to the state agency said.

Tags: part resources sale natural


MTN Group plans sale and leaseback of part of South African tower portfolio

2020-12-10 09:57:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) MTN Group is looking to sell and lease back part of its portfolio of 13,000 South African telecom towers, Bloomberg reported. It said this is a sign that new CEO Ralph Mupita seeks to build on a disposal plan begun by his predecessor. Mupita said MTN is considering the strategic and financial merits of the plan, which would build on similar transactions MTN has completed in countries such as Ghana and Uganda.

Tags: part group sale south


FTC seeks sale of WhatsApp, Instagram in Facebook monopoly case

2020-12-10 08:42:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) The US Federal Trade Commission along with 48 states and territories of the US have filed lawsuits against Facebook, accusing the company of illegally maintaining a monopoly in the social networking market. The case centres on the company's takeovers of Instagram and WhatsApp and may lead to Facebook being forced to divest some of its business. Facebook said the regulators were engaging in "revisionist history" by trying to undo acquisitions they had already approved.�

Tags: case sale seeks facebook


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