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National living wage rises by 6.2%

2020-04-01 01:01:04| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The increase has been welcomed by unions and takes the hourly pay for people aged 25 and over to 8.72.

Tags: national living wage rises


Living in the COVID-19 World: TV Hosts Struggle at Home

2020-03-30 19:31:11| TechNewsWorld

While stuck at home, many of us are burning through online content very rapidly. One of the things that's become painfully apparent is that TV shows that typically have live audiences suddenly have become almost unwatchable. In the context of the COVID-19 virus and our sudden need to view events remotely, coming up with ways to make audiences feel engaged has never been more critical.

Tags: home world living struggle


"We're living though very anxious times" - just-drinks speaks to Distilled Spirits Council CEO Chris Swonger - CORONAVIRUS SPECIAL

2020-03-25 15:06:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

As distillers in the US come to terms with an on-premise channel in shutdown and an uncertain economic future, just-drinks spoke to the head of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Chris Swonger,�about the potential impact of the coronavirus.

Tags: special times living council


"We're living through very anxious times" - just-drinks speaks to Distilled Spirits Council CEO Chris Swonger - CORONAVIRUS SPECIAL

2020-03-25 15:06:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

As distillers in the US come to terms with an on-premise channel in shutdown and an uncertain economic future, just-drinks spoke to the head of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Chris Swonger,�about the potential impact of the coronavirus.

Tags: special times living council


GOTS version 6.0 references assessment of living wage gap

2020-03-19 11:43:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Under the latest version of the�Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), certified entities will have to calculate the gap between wages that are actually paid�and living wages, and will be�encouraged to work towards closing the distance.�

Tags: version living references assessment


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