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You are Invited to Central Northeast Neighbors! Community Connections

2020-01-21 18:03:42| PortlandOnline

Meet and greet your Community! Share information ideas and concerns! This Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Come by between Noon to 2:00 pm at Central Northeast Neighbors 4415 NE 87th Avenue, located with Fire Station 12

Tags: community central connections invited


Central Northeast Neighbors January 2020 E-News

2020-01-09 17:22:36| PortlandOnline

Celebration of Life Commissioner Nick Fish, Portland City Council Sets Election Schedule to Fill Vacancy, Homelessness Discussion with Mayor Wheeler, Meet Chief Jami Resch, Community Connections, CNN Land Use Transportation and Open Spaces, and more!

Tags: january central northeast neighbors


Williams Completes Northeast Gas System Expansion Ahead Of Schedule

2020-01-02 11:25:00| OGI

Williams Gateway Expansion Project is an expansion of the existing Transco pipeline system to�meet growing demand for natural gas in the Northeastern U.S. region.

Tags: system schedule gas williams


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