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Concordia | 03-05-21 | 2636 NE Dekum St, 6705 NE 27th Avenue, 6623 NE 27th Avenue, 6325 NE 27th Avenue, 6305 NE 27th Avenue (vacant) | Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Review - REQUEST FOR RESPONSE | LU 20-204990 CP ZC

2021-03-05 17:07:40| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,384kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors

Tags: map review plan request


Centennial | 03-05-21 | 3800 SE 164th Avenue | Replat Review - DECISION | LU 20-198360 RP

2021-03-04 22:46:57| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,737kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office Decisions

Tags: review decision avenue lu



2021-03-03 23:45:00| PortlandOnline

5201 NE SANDY BLVD - COMMENTS DUE 4-3-21 - LIQUOR PDF Document, 1,464kbCategory: Central Northeast Portland (CNN)

Tags: sports bar avenue 52nd


Item 133 NE 60th Avenue and NE Halsey Street Area Improvements project

2021-02-26 22:17:48| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 6,844kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: area item street project


Hosford-Abernethy | 02-26-21 | 1709 SE 3rd Avenue | Land Division Partition Review - PROPOSAL | LU 20-200644 LDP

2021-02-25 19:55:14| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,820kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program

Tags: review land avenue division


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