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Tag: antibiotic resistance

Farm practices affect antibiotic resistance in manure

2021-08-20 15:51:00| National Hog Farmer

Pig producers and company integrators must work together to help reduce antibiotic resistance.

Tags: affect practices farm resistance


Imagine project takes antibiotic resistance tracking to next level

2020-11-13 14:27:00| National Hog Farmer

Pipestone conducts AMR surveillance on commercial pig farms, looking at pathogens of food safety and veterinary importance.

Tags: level project takes imagine


Allen, Crouch honored for antibiotic resistance, plant health research

2020-06-09 15:34:00| National Hog Farmer

Allen, who passed away on March 7, conducted pioneering research on the sources and prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in the swine gut microbiome.

Tags: health research allen plant


Minimal evidence of antibiotic resistance in swine

2020-04-22 12:52:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

Data from nearly two decades of experience in a large veterinary practice indicate minimal resistant infections in swine.

Tags: evidence resistance minimal antibiotic


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