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COVID-19 spurs talk of cattle traceability

2020-07-13 17:42:00| Beef

As the beef business recovers from the coronavirus, expect the conversation around traceability to heat up.

Tags: talk cattle spurs traceability


PATH FORWARD: PwC Executives Talk Protecting Oil Workers during COVID-19

2020-06-24 11:30:00| OGI

As the oil and gas industry returns to the office and job sites, PwC discusses different solutions companies can take as they focus on protecting their employees and minimizing COVID-19 exposure. 

Tags: talk forward path oil


Permian Basin Flaring Surfaces Amid Texas Oil Proration Talk

2020-04-20 23:21:00| OGI

Wellhead flaring of natural gas continues to drop in the Permian Basin as market conditions force operators to slow production from new wells.

Tags: talk texas oil surfaces


Oil State Senators to Talk with Saudi Officials

2020-04-08 15:37:10| OGI

Lawmakers bill would remove US defense systems and troops from Saudi Arabia.

Tags: state talk oil officials


How to talk to essential employees during COVID-19 crisis

2020-03-30 17:28:00| Beef

Keeping a team engaged that is concerned about their own health, and the health of their loved ones, while they also are fearful of the economic volatility, is incredibly difficult.

Tags: talk essential employees crisis


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