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ConocoPhillips Gets US Green Light for Alaska Oil Project

2020-08-14 23:23:14| OGI

The project could help offset oil production declines in the state, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

Tags: project light green oil


BP Completes Part of $5.6 Billion Alaska Sale to Hilcorp Energy

2020-07-02 15:05:00| OGI

The agreement calls for Hilcorp to pay $4 billion to BP over an unspecified time, with the remaining $1.6 billion based on future earnings from the Alaskan properties.

Tags: to part sale energy


US Energy Regulators Authorize Proposed $43.4 Billion Alaska LNG Project

2020-05-22 11:20:00| OGI

BP and Exxon Mobil produce massive amounts of oil in Alaska and have discovered huge gas resources that are stranded in the North Slope, which the proposed LNG project�would allow that gas to access markets around the world.

Tags: project energy proposed alaska


Pantheon Seeks Partner for Growing Alaska North Slope Projects

2020-04-28 19:50:31| OGI

Analysis of recently completed geophysical work point to an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of oil in place at Pantheons Talitha project in the Alaska North Slope.

Tags: north partner growing projects


BPs $5.6 Billion Alaska Sale to Hilcorp Remains on Track

2020-04-27 23:00:00| OGI

Renegotiated terms for the sale of BPs Alaska business to Hilcorp Energy will retain the original $5.6 billion deal price�but will include�a revised structure and phasing of payments.

Tags: sale track remains alaska


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