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The Risks and Consequences of Lax Patch Management

2020-09-29 21:55:15| TechNewsWorld

Earlier this month, a woman with a life-threatening condition passed away after hackers crashed the IT systems of a major hospital in the city of Dusseldorf. Incidents like this raise the question of why corporations do not patch vulnerabilities as soon as software manufacturers issue a fix.

Tags: management patch risks consequences


"Whistleblower reveals serious injuries lax oversight at Central City Concerns Sobering Station." The Oregonian. June 27, 2020.

2020-06-29 19:34:49| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 176kbCategory: Newsroom

Tags: city june central station


Nursing Homes Face Catastrophic Mix of Virus and Lax Oversight

2020-03-10 19:09:00| National Real Estate Investor

Over the past three years, more than 9,000 in the U.S. were cited for infection-control deficiencies.

Tags: face homes mix virus


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