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WightFibre delivers FTTP to 15,000 premises

2020-03-20 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

WightFibre is making significant progress on its Gigabit Island Project, which was launched in 2017 with the goal of reaching 50,000 homes.  Its latest announcement on Wednesday suggests that the company has already reached 15,000 homes, with goals of hitting 30…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: delivers premises fttp


French FTTP roll-out hits new record with 1.6 mln premises passed in Q4

2020-03-06 10:11:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) French network operators ramped up their fibre deployments in the fourth quarter, bringing FTTP connectivity to another 1.6 million homes and businesses. This represents a new high after two record quarters, when the number of new premises passed the 1 million mark (1.2 and 1.1 million in Q3 and Q2 respectively). Overall, 18.4 million premises had access to FTTP services at the end of 2019, up 35 percent year-on-year, said regulator Arcep in its latest fixed broadband report.

Tags: record french hits passed


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