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Tough times to continue for Chinese firms in the US

2020-08-28 05:51:23| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

It doesn't matter if Trump or Biden wins, the anti-Chinese sentiment will remain on the White House agenda.

Tags: the us times continue


Tough decision of going virtual reaps benefits

2020-08-25 21:16:00| National Hog Farmer

Virtual platform allows the most important people in our industry our farm technicians to learn from conference speakers.

Tags: decision benefits virtual tough


Stress, burnout and redundancy: Tough times in IT

2020-08-21 01:06:59| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

More staff working from home means more work for IT staff, but many face uncertainty over their jobs.

Tags: it times stress tough


Tough road ahead for Marks & Spencer amid restructuring

2020-08-18 14:40:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Following on from the 950 job cuts it announced just last month, Marks & Spencer has revealed today (18 August) it will make a further 7,000 as it once again attempts to transform the business. The news pushed the retailer's share price down over 2% this morning to 111.20 pence. Analysts believe the decision by M&S was a necessary one but that the retailer now has a tough�road ahead to catch up with�its rivals.

Tags: road ahead marks tough


Cattle market outlook: Hang tough, its gonna get better

2020-08-05 19:58:00| Beef

Theres a light at the end of the cattle market tunnel, and its not another train.

Tags: market outlook tough hang


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