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Amplify Energy CEO Ken Mariani to Retire
2020-04-03 23:00:00| OGI
Following Ken Marianis retirement, effective April 3, Martyn Willsher, who currently serves as the�companys CFO, will serve as interim CEO of Amplify Energy.
IndustryVoice: Three Ways Greater Digitalization in Shale Oil Plays Can Amplify Capital Efficiency and Investment Returns
2020-03-02 22:00:00| OGI
As shale-oil operators adopt manufacturing models and mindsets to lower the costs of completions and production, they are deploying more and more digital technologies in diverse applications, many of which Siemens pioneered years ago. Read on to learn how digitalization can drive more efficiency, visibility, and reliability in the digital oilfield to improve capital efficiency and returns.
Tags: capital
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