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Marketed: Operated Permian Basin, Eagle Ford Opportunity

2021-09-23 21:10:00| OGI

Strand Energy LC retained EnergyNet Indigo for the sale of certain oil and gas properties and related assets located in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk trend through a sealed-bid offering.

Tags: opportunity ford operated eagle


Insight: ConocoPhillips Made Shell Permian Deal with Cash, Patience

2021-09-22 19:00:00| OGI

After patiently waiting through the shale land rush, Enverus Andrew Dittmar says ConocoPhillips is picking up prime real estate in the Permian Basin with�its blockbuster purchase from Shell.

Tags: made deal cash insight


Lagoon Water Midstream Enters Permian Basin through Double Drop Acquisition

2021-09-21 22:05:00| OGI

The acquisition of Double Drop Resources�significantly expands Lagoon Water Midstreams operations and establishes it as a multibasin water management company.

Tags: water double drop acquisition


Shell to Exit Permian Basin in $9.5 Billion Sale to ConocoPhillips

2021-09-20 22:55:00| OGI

Shell reached an agreement for the sale of its Permian Basin business to ConocoPhillips for $9.5 billion in cash, confirming rumors the supermajor was considering exiting the key shale asset.

Tags: to sale exit shell


ESG Opporutnitiy for Water Management Emerges in Permian Basin

2021-09-17 22:00:00| OGI

B3 Insight's Oilfield Water Stewardship Council aims to establish industry-endorsed ESG reporting standards for oil and gas industry water management.

Tags: management water basin emerges


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