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Marketed: Midland Basin Mineral, Royalty Position

2021-06-15 15:05:00| OGI

A private seller is offering for sale its oil and gas mineral and royalty interests located throughout the active core of the prolific Midland Basin in the Permian across Ector, Glasscock, Marton, Midland, Reagan and Upton counties, Texas.

Tags: position mineral basin royalty


Marketed: Royalty Clearinghouse Diversified Mineral Portfolio

2021-06-07 20:45:00| OGI

Cypress Point Royalties LP and RSM Legacy LP�retained TenOaks Energy Advisors for the sale of a diversified mineral and royalty portfolio across several basins in the Lower 48 including the Permian Basin.

Tags: portfolio mineral royalty diversified


Marketed: Midland Basin Howard County Mineral, Royalty Interests

2021-05-21 22:25:00| OGI

A private seller retained PetroDivest Advisors as the exclusive adviser in connection with the offering for sale of a concentrated position of�oil and gas mineral and royalty interests in Howard County, Texas, of the Midland Basin.

Tags: county interests howard mineral


Marketed: SandRidge Permian Trust Royalty Acquisition Opportunity

2021-04-26 19:05:00| OGI

SandRidge Permian Trust retained TenOaks Energy Advisors for the sale of�all�its royalty interests located in the Permian Basin as part of a planned dissolution of the trust.

Tags: opportunity trust acquisition royalty


PHX Minerals Acquires Royalty Acreage Focused in Continentals SCOOP Area

2021-04-19 20:55:00| OGI

The majority of the acquired interests are focused within Continental Resources�SpringBoard III project area located in the southern SCOOP play in Oklahoma, PHX Mineral said in a release.

Tags: area focused royalty minerals


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