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Rescued dogs pose ASF risk with gap USDA should fill

2021-04-06 17:00:00| National Hog Farmer

Potential for bedding, food, crates, or contamination of foreign rescue dogs coats to serve as disease carriers.

Tags: risk fill gap dogs


This Clean Beauty is for The Dogs

2020-12-02 13:54:35| Happi Breaking News

Products formulated with aloe vera, natural oils and edible mica.

Tags: the beauty clean dogs


China debt dogs Maldives' 'bridge to prosperity'

2020-09-17 02:42:45| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

After borrowing vast sums for infrastructure projects, can the tiny island nation pay it back?

Tags: china bridge debt dogs


Park Rules for Dogs

2020-02-24 19:29:10| PortlandOnline

Tags: park rules dogs


Park Rules for Dogs

2020-02-15 00:47:30| PortlandOnline

Tags: park rules dogs


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