01.12: A History of Pacific Northwest Cuisine
2013-12-17 00:35:52| Powells Books Events Calendar
With a dash of humor and a sprinkling of recipes, culinarian Marc Hinton chronicles the bounty of the Pacific Northwest from the mastodon meals of the earliest inhabitants to the gastronomic revolution of today. In A History of Pacific Northwest Cuisine (American Palate), learn how Oregon's and Washington's chefs have used the region's natural abundance to create a sumptuous cuisine that is stylish yet simple and how winemakers and brewers have crafted their own rich beverage traditions. From potlatches to Prohibition, seafood to sustainability, and Lewis and Clark to James Beard, Hinton traces the events and influences that have shaped the Pacific Northwest's edible past and created a delectable fare that has foodies and oenophiles from around the world clamoring for a taste. Joining Hinton in conversation will be A History of Pacific Northwest Cuisine's editor, Pamela Heiligenthal.
Tags: history
Category:Textiles and Nonwovens