07.24: Wendy C. Ortiz in Conversation with Kevin Sampsell
2014-06-13 21:34:10| Powells Books Events Calendar
Wendy C. Ortiz was a bookish, insecure girl living with alcoholic parents in the late 1980s and early '90s. Her relationship with a charming and deeply flawed private school teacher 15 years her senior appeared to give her the kind of power teenagers wish for. Her teacher — now a registered sex offender — continually encouraged her passion for writing while making her promise she was not leaving any written record about their dangerous sexual relationship. In Excavation: A Memoir (Future Tense Books), a beautifully written and powerful story of a woman reclaiming her whole heart, the black and white of the standard victim/perpetrator stereotype gives way to unsettling grays. Ortiz will be joined in conversation by Kevin Sampsell, Ortiz's editor and publisher of Future Tense Books.
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Category:Textiles and Nonwovens