Operating at 0.9 μA, with standby of <0.1 μA at 25°C, from 1.8–3.6 V supply, 6.4 x 4.0 x 2.75 mm MS5806-02BA gel-filled altimeter with antimagnetic stainless steel cap uses I²C or SPI communication and has conversion time down to 0.6 msec. This 24-bit ΔΣ ADC integrated digital barometric pressure sensor has 300–1,100 mBar operating range, with extension of 10–2,000 mBar; 0.024 mBar max resolution; ±2.5 mBar typ accuracy; -40 to +85°C operating range; ±0.8°C accuracy; and <0.01°C resolution.
This story is related to the following:HVACPressure Sensors | Barometric Pressure Sensors | Digital Barometers | Altimeters