Due to the Blues, Brews and BBQs along with the Corvette show downtown Champaign will have reroutes
2013-06-29 01:35:13| CUMTD Alerts
REROUTE SATURDAY 29, 2013 RE: Due to the Blues, Brews and BBQs along with the Corvette show downtown Champaign will have reroutes. DURATION: 1 DAY 20C Red: Logan/Clark to Randolph to Columbia to Neil and regular route. 20U Red: Neil to Columbia to State to University to I.T. and regular route. 30N Lavender: Logan/ Clark to Randolph to Church and regular route. 50W Green: Logan/Clark to State and regular route. 70W Grey: Logan/Clark to Randolph to Bradley and regular route. 70E Grey: Bradley to State to University to I.T and regular route. 100N Yellow: Logan/ Clark to Randolph to Bradley and regular route. 100S Yellow: Bradley to State to University to I.T. and regular route.
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Category:Transportation and Logistics