Hydrogen: Canada's Transition Accelerator to advance Albertan hydrogen economy. DNV GL reports on hydrogen's central role in oil and gas industry decarbonization. Eneco joins Neptune Energy in PosHYdon offshore green hydrogen project. Emissions: IOGP and Geocento report on airborne and satellite environmental monitoring. Environmental Defense Fund's MethaneSAT to launch in 2022. Gaffney Cline discusses EDF report on methane data credibility. ExxonMobil's framework for methane regulation. EPA notice on controlling air pollution in the oil and natural gas industry. Kayrros uses Sentinel-5P satellite data to pinpoint sources of emissions. Qnergy's 'CAP3' low emissions pneumatics sees investment from OGCI. CO2 capture & storage: Global CCS Institute report on the value of carbon capture and storage. Equinor reports successful Northern Lights test drill. McguireWoods provides guidance on update to the US IRS carbon capture tax credit regime. Global CCS Institute explains US 45Q tax credit for CCS. Advanced Resources on CCS in the electricity industry under section 45Q tax credits. Bureau of Economic Geology presents research into offshore CCS. Chevron Technology Ventures to trial Svante's large-scale CCS technology. Reporting: API, IPIECA, IOGP on sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry. Global Association of Risk Professionals to offer Sustainability and Climate Risk certificate. France's Autorite des Marches Financiers to tackle greenwashing in asset management. EU taxonomy of environmentally sustainable economic activities. New IOGP website for environmental performance data.