Lactation station: Tips for optimizing sow diets during nursing
2025-03-25 20:53:21| National Hog Farmer
Weaning piglets are particularly subject to a host of stresses that follow them from the sow to mingling with other litters and varying ages of pig flows. [ more ]
Category:Agriculture and Forestry
March 2025 USDA Cattle on Feed highlights
2025-03-25 20:35:10| Beef
Nevil Speer highlights the USDA's Cattle on Feed Report for March 2025. [ more ]
Category: Agriculture and Forestry
Gauging public support for avenues to reduce beef methane emissions
2025-03-25 18:07:50| Beef
Americans prefer beef producers use seaweed to reduce emissions, but publicly funded subsidies would not likely cover adoption costs. [ more ]
Category: Agriculture and Forestry