Proof Launches Postpartum Underwear
2025-03-12 15:36:33| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
Washable high-rise brief can absorb moderate postpartum flow and discharge for up to 12 hours [ more ]
Category:Textiles and Nonwovens
Aquapak Polymer Technology Leads to Dissolvable Nonwovens
2025-03-12 15:08:48| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
Hydropol technology used in flushable wet wipes, sanitary pads [ more ]
Category: Textiles and Nonwovens
The Honest Company Names SVP of Supply Chain
2025-03-11 19:58:08| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
Etienne von Kunssberg joined the company in February [ more ]
Category: Textiles and Nonwovens