Saueressig and A.Celli Develop 3D Embossing, Aperturing Line
2025-03-20 18:33:21| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
VoluMAX3 3D line includes components from both companies [ more ]
Category:Textiles and Nonwovens
Tr�tzschler Nonwovens Introduces X-Series Nonwoven Cards
2025-03-20 16:36:29| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
NCT-X and NC-X nonwoven cards are engineered to increase product quality and process productivity while reducing energy and resource consumption [ more ]
Category: Textiles and Nonwovens
Kimberly-Clarks Pull-Ups Unveils Exclusive Designs at Target
2025-03-20 15:26:01| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
Disneys Moana and Marvels Captain America featured in new character designs for training pants [ more ]
Category: Textiles and Nonwovens