What to do when your planned Conference is cancelled:
Here is what Conference Organizers & management are saying---
"We are going to be forced to reinvent, recover, and redefine so many things.
These are somewhat uncharted water in conferencing.
You must always prepare for the unexpected.
Rally amongst each other, and remain optimistic."
The Article <a href="https://www.bizbash.com/production-strategy/opinion-experts/article/21121119/so-your-event-was-canceled-because-of-coronavirus-concerns-what-now"> <img src="https://automotivedigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Event-Cancelled-450x300.png" alt width="450" height="300" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-203264"> <strong><span style="Font-size:150%;">So Your Plans for a Conference Have Been Cancelled What Now?</span></strong></a> appeared first on Automotive Digest.