Top U.S. Companies Bring Nationwide Hiring Effort to Phoenix,...
2015-09-17 22:41:33| Waste Management -
The 100,000 Opportunities Initiative, a coalition of 33 leading U.S. companies, will host its next Opportunity Hiring Fair in Phoenix on Oct. 30, launching a long-term effort to bring job opportunities to thousands of underserved youth across Maricopa County This event will build on the unprecedented impact from the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative's launch last month in Chicago with more than 4,000 participants, over 40 community organizations, and more than 800 job offers to date Four more companies join the national initiative to create pathways to employment for young Americans, including Papa John's, Republic Services, TOMS and VILLA PHOENIX-- -- Following an unprecedented day of impact at the nation's first Opportunity Fair & Forum in Chicago on Aug. 13, the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative today announced that it will bring its next Opportunity Fair to Phoenix on Oct. 30 as it ... (more)
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