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Mississippi River Contributes to Plastic Waste in Gulf

2020-09-04 13:00:00| Waste Age

The Mississippi River flows through 31 states. The river provides drinking water to millions of Americans and a mode of transportation not only for commerce but also tons of plastic waste. Mayor Rita Albrecht of Bemidji, Minn. states that

Tags: river plastic waste mississippi


TGS Gears Up For 3D Seismic Survey in Powder River Basin

2020-08-12 15:03:03| OGI

TGS, a leading provider of multiclient geoscience data for E&P companies, on Aug. 12 announced a new multiclient U.S. onshore 3D seismic survey within the Powder River Basin called Voyager 3D.

Tags: river survey powder basin


South Portland | 08-12-20 | Property bound by SW Bond, SW Lane, SW Lowell & Willamette River | Design Review w/ Modifications, an Adjustment, and a South Waterfront Greenway Review - NOTICE OF APPEAL | LU 20-102914 DZM AD GW

2020-08-11 23:12:11| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 21,022kbCategory: Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.

Tags: of design review south


San Mateo Black River Oil Pipeline LLC Announces Binding Open Season

2020-08-07 16:26:17| OGI

Stebbins Expansion Crude Oil Pipeline Project would expand San Mateo system in Eddy County, N.M.

Tags: black open san llc


News Release: Environmental Services to clean out CS gas residue from storm drains in effort to protect Willamette River

2020-08-05 16:47:10| PortlandOnline

Tags: to news services release


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