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Norway Oil Drilling Rig Companies Agree on Wage Deal with Workers

2020-09-24 15:26:56| OGI

The deal between the Norwegian Shipowners Association and the Industri Energi, Safe and DSO labor unions comprises around 7,500 workers.

Tags: companies agree deal oil


Turkey, Greece Agree to Resume Talks after Four Years

2020-09-23 15:16:42| OGI

Tensions flared in August�after Ankara sent its Oruc Reis seismic survey ship into disputed waters, escorted by gunboats, to map out sea territory for possible oil and gas drilling.

Tags: years agree resume turkey


EU-China agree on geographical protections for beverages

2020-09-15 16:36:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The European Union and China have signed a reciprocal agreement to protect the names of 100 food and beverage products on both sides from "usurpation and imitation".

Tags: agree geographical beverages protections


NATO: Greece, Turkey Agree to Talks over East Med Drilling Activity

2020-09-03 22:25:00| OGI

NATO�allies Turkey and Greece vehemently disagree over claims to natural gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean and the extent of their continental shelves.

Tags: east activity med agree


Shell, Prosafe Agree to Defer Shearwater Job for 2021

2020-09-03 16:00:00| OGI

As part of the agreement, Shell will compensate Prosafe through a fee considering the 10-month mobilization deferment of�a U.K. North Sea contract at the Shearwater platform.

Tags: job agree shell defer


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