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Canadian Lawmakers Call for Action from US, Canadian Leaders in Enbridge Pipeline Dispute

2021-04-16 18:17:05| OGI

Michigan Gov. Whitmer has ordered Enbridge to shut Line 5 over leakage concerns.

Tags: call action leaders canadian


Lebanon PM Approves Expansion of Area Claimed in Maritime Dispute with Israel

2021-04-12 20:27:16| OGI

The amendment would add about 1,400 square km to the exclusive economic zone claimed by Lebanon in its original submission to the United Nations.

Tags: with area israel expansion


Exxon Mobil Sues Energy Transfer over Dakota Access Pipeline Dispute

2021-04-06 11:05:00| OGI

Exxon Mobil lined up alternatives that were dwindling by the hour as other DAPL shippers sought outlets, and to avoid violating a potential court order, it told the court.

Tags: access energy transfer mobil


Enbridge Asks Canadian Government for Support in Line 5 Dispute

2021-03-17 16:51:38| OGI

Enbridge wants Ottawa to back is court filings against efforts by the State of Michigan to shut down the oil pipeline.

Tags: support line government canadian


Israel, Cyprus Agree on Framework for Settling Offshore Gas Dispute

2021-03-09 15:14:09| OGI

Development of the Aphrodite gas field in Cypriot waters has been held up because a small part of it stretches into Israels maritime zone and another gas field there. The Cypriot field was first discovered in 2011.

Tags: agree gas israel framework


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