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Hi-Crush Becomes Latest Frac Sand Supplier to Enter Bankruptcy

2020-07-13 23:30:00| OGI

Houston-based Hi-Crush entered into a restructuring support agreement with certain noteholders for a prearranged plan, which, if implemented, will result in the elimination of approximately $450 million of unsecured note debt.

Tags: enter latest sand supplier


Frac Horsepower Utilization Falls Alongside Sand Demand

2020-05-13 19:30:19| OGI

Analysts say signs of market recovery for U.S. shale are emerging, with some improvement expected later this year for frac companies and sand suppliers.

Tags: falls demand sand alongside


In US Shale Bust, Frac Sand Miners Are the New Coal Companies

2020-05-08 11:10:00| OGI

But the shale bust in early March has turned the frac�sand mining business into the new coal. As U.S. oil prices plunged, sand suppliers have shut mines, dismissed workers and slashed operations.

Tags: companies sand coal bust


Friction Reduction with Sand Transport

2020-04-01 13:00:00| OGI

Eagle Ford wells saw a reduction in treating pressure after dry friction reducer stages.

Tags: transport reduction sand friction


U.S. Silica to Idle Northern White Frac Sand Mine

2020-03-25 14:23:38| OGI

U.S. Silica Holdings Inc. on March 24 revealed annualized SG&A cost reductions of approximately $20 million in response to the recent drop in oil prices and the expected decline in drilling and completion activity in North American shale over the coming quarters.

Tags: white northern mine sand


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