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Merkel Defends US Nord Stream 2 Deal as Ukraine Cries Foul

2021-07-23 15:36:34| OGI

German Chancellor Angela�Merkel�on July 22 defended a�deal�with the United States that allows the�Nord�Stream�2 gas pipeline to proceed as a pragmatic compromise, but�Ukraine�said the agreement was too weak to ensure Russia behaves the way Kyiv and the West want.

Tags: deal nord stream ukraine


Ukraine: US Company Refuses to Cooperate over LNG Supply Deal

2020-09-14 16:43:01| OGI

Louisiana exporter says Ukraine lacks a serious desire for a long-term contract.

Tags: company supply deal ukraine


Womenswear in Ukraine - Sector Overview, Brand Shares, Market Size and Forecast to 2024 (adjusted for COVID-19 impact)

2020-09-14 02:00:00| Apparel & textile industry market research - from just-style.com

GlobalData's Apparel database showing the trends in the market and sectors by value and volume. It also reveals the brand leaders by market share in 2019 in each of the sectors as well as total appare

Tags: size market brand impact


Ukraine announces New Pig Production-2025 programme

2020-06-22 09:31:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

The New Pig Production-2025 programme for Ukraine aims to build the pig herd to 20 million head by 2025, produce one million tonnes of pork for the domestic market and two million tonnes for exports.

Tags: programme ukraine announces pig


Ukraine - In-depth PEST Insights

2020-06-19 02:00:00| Apparel & textile industry market research - from just-style.com

This PEST country analysis report on Ukraine provides a holistic view of the country, with insightful analysis of current and future issues, supplemented with relevant quantitative data to support tre

Tags: ukraine insights pest indepth


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