Tag: give
The hypercar maker who was told to give up his dream
2021-02-16 01:04:39| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Mate Rimac struggled to get anyone to believe that cutting edge sportscars could be made in Croatia.
India Government May Give Cairn Energy Oil Field In Lieu Of Arbitration Award
2021-02-01 16:34:20| OGI
In December, Cairn was awarded $1.2 billion plus interests and costs in an international arbitration case against the Indian government over a tax dispute.
Tags: give
Lockdown entrepreneur Ben Gulliver urges others 'never give up'
2021-01-21 07:33:14| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Ben Gulliver saw a chance to make money, selling items people struggled to get in the pandemic.
Tags: up
'Fear is the only thing that stops you. I had to give it a try
2020-12-16 01:08:39| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Three stories of people working in retail who set up new businesses during Covid-19.
New Internet Protocol Aims to Give Users Control of Their Digital Identities
2020-11-18 14:00:00| TechNewsWorld
The @ Company wants to give you a more secure and human-centric Internet built on providing you with true ownership and control of your personal data. To that end, the company has launched an app built on its new privacy protocol. This new standard will attempt to change how online vendors and companies wheel and deal with the personal information of billions of Internet users.
Tags: internet