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CGG Upgrades GeoSoftware Reservoir Characterization Solution

2021-06-08 14:56:57| OGI

CGG GeoSoftware has launched�version 11.0�of its extensive portfolio of reservoir characterization and petrophysical interpretation software solutions, the company said on June 8.

Tags: solution characterization upgrades reservoir


Worlds first commercial NB-IoT over satellite solution

2021-06-08 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

The agreement pairs Inmarsat’s exceptionally reliable global satellite network with a complete, easy-to-use IoT solution that provides even the most remotely located application users with real-time, actionable insights; helping improve efficiencies, increase profits…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: commercial solution satellite worlds


Eltrona selects IPTV solution from ocilion

2021-06-07 11:00:13| Digital TV News

Luxembourg's Eltrona has selected an IPTV solution from ocilion. Its customers can now enjoy functions such as replay TV, VOD and recording. The solution includes transmitter packages, 4K STBs, and first and second screen apps.

Tags: solution selects iptv iptv solution


'My foggy glasses solution helped me through Covid'

2021-06-07 01:06:13| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Alex Wickens explains how a business idea during the pandemic restored his hopes for the future.

Tags: through solution helped glasses


BlackRock CEO Says Shells Decarbonization Ruling Not a Solution

2021-06-03 17:58:45| OGI

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said the ruling that requires Shell to deepen its planned greenhouse gas emission cuts was an example of a general attitude that failed to address the overall problem.

Tags: solution ceo ruling shells


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