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China bans British beef again over mad cow disease

2021-10-11 10:31:27| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Beijing has yet to restart importing beef from the UK after agreeing in 2018 to lift a previous ban.

Tags: china british disease mad


3 strategies to reduce cow herds environmental hoofprints

2021-09-14 14:25:00| Beef

Cattlemens College: Practical ways to lower the emissions and boost the efficiency of your herd.

Tags: reduce environmental strategies cow


Large cow slaughter continues

2021-07-14 17:25:00| Beef

Even with slaughter up, beef prices continue to be ahead of 2020.

Tags: large continues cow slaughter


Does your cow worry about flies? Yes

2021-05-17 09:55:00| Beef

Here is a refresher on identifying and treating horn and face flies in beef herds.

Tags: yes worry cow flies


How long should you keep a cow?

2021-04-30 17:10:00| Beef

Rethinking the value of your herd females can have a significant impact on your profit picture

Tags: you long cow


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