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Linde joins H2Accelerate collaboration as 7th member to accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen for trucking

2021-09-29 09:55:42| Green Car Congress

Tags: member green collaboration 7th


Guyana Earns Nearly $80 Million from 7th Crude Cargo, Government Says

2021-08-10 10:00:00| OGI

Exxon Mobil's discoveries�off Guyana's coast�have turned�the country into the world's newest crude exploration hotspot.

Tags: government million says cargo


Woodlawn | 04-02-21 | 6847 NE 7th Ave | Historic Resource Review - DECISION | LU 21-004959 HR

2021-04-02 00:48:34| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,345kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors Decisions

Tags: review decision resource ave


US Drillers Add Rigs for 7th Straight Month as Pace Slows

2021-02-26 19:24:10| OGI

The oil and gas rig count rose five to 402 in the week to Feb. 26, its highest since May, energy services firm Baker Hughes Co. said.

Tags: add month straight pace


Woodlawn | 02-19-21 | 6847 NE 7th Ave | Historic Resource Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-004959 HR

2021-02-18 21:53:38| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 5,573kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors

Tags: review resource ave hr


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