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Deadly olive tree disease across Europe 'could costs billions'

2020-04-13 20:59:35| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

A deadly pathogen affecting Europe's olive trees could cost over 20 billion euros.

Tags: costs europe tree disease


Alcohol and cardiovascular heart disease - The impossibility of standardising confounders - International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research Critique 238

2020-04-08 18:14:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

In a recent meta-analysis into alcohol consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), the authors compared earlier studies for the number of potential confounding variables included in each paper.

Tags: forum international research heart


Anaplasmosis: The forgotten disease

2020-04-06 16:56:00| Beef

Its a silent killer. And once it infects your herd, its almost impossible to get rid of.

Tags: disease forgotten anaplasmosis


Intrauterine vaccination shows promise for protecting sows and gilts from disease.

2020-04-03 12:24:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

Intrauterine vaccination is showing promise as an option for protecting sows and gilts from disease.

Tags: from shows disease promise


World Pork Expo derailed by another disease

2020-04-02 21:04:00| National Hog Farmer

Proper pig care is top priority for producers, and caretakers can't do that if they fall ill with COVID-19.

Tags: world disease expo pork


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