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Tag: disease

Pathogen detection at state-level may improve disease monitoring

2020-09-01 20:34:00| National Hog Farmer

Monitoring pathogen detection at a state-specific level is insightful to understand the pattern of pathogen detection better.

Tags: improve disease monitoring detection


A watchful eye on swine disease

2020-08-28 15:55:00| National Hog Farmer

ISU Ph.D. goes beyond conventional research, establishes novel disease surveillance program.

Tags: eye disease swine watchful


USDA advances RFID tag program for cattle disease traceability

2020-08-17 18:34:00| Beef

APHIS awards contracts to provide cattle and bison producers with up to 8 million low-frequency RFID tags.

Tags: program tag disease advances


USDAs Animal Disease Traceability program moves ahead

2020-08-12 19:42:00| Beef

Heres the true story of how USDA actually found the Cow that Stole Christmas and why robust disease traceability is important.

Tags: program animal disease ahead


NPPC, AASV, SHIC raise concerns about APHIS reportable disease rule

2020-07-31 20:10:00| National Hog Farmer

Groups say individuals other than veterinarians, should not be obligated to report under the NLRAD when they are not credentialed to make a diagnosis.

Tags: rule disease concerns raise


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