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ExxonMobil, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Lab develop new MOF for carbon capture and steam regeneration

2020-07-25 10:55:40| Green Car Congress

Tags: develop capture lab carbon


Berkeley Lab, CMU team develops new class of soft, solid electrolytes for dendrite suppression; polymers and ceramics

2020-07-21 13:55:39| Green Car Congress

Tags: class team soft solid


UW-Madison meat science lab, Vita Plus partner to get pork to pantries

2020-06-22 21:28:00| National Hog Farmer

When completed, the department will have provided around 8,700 pounds of meat to more than a dozen area food banks through the Vita Plus partnership.

Tags: to science partner lab


Concha y Toro lends biology lab to coronavirus fight

2020-05-04 15:08:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Concha y Toro has opened up its molecular biology laboratory in Chile to scientists processing COVID-19 tests.

Tags: fight lab biology toro


University of Illinois swine research lab tests emergency ventilators

2020-04-20 14:35:00| National Hog Farmer

Team recruited to test prototype of an emergency ventilator that would address a nationwide shortage amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: research university tests illinois


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