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What the Oil Price Plunge Means for Oilfield Services M&A

2020-05-01 21:00:00| OGI

Offshore drillers and North American shale producers most challenged in terms of debt, says analyst.

Tags: services price ma means


Exxon Mobil Posts Loss, $3 Billion Writedown on Oil Price Plunge

2020-05-01 15:15:28| OGI

Exxon Mobil Corp. on May 1 joined a parade of oil companies posting downbeat results on plunging oil demand and collapsing prices, reporting a $610 million first-quarter loss after a nearly $3 billion inventory writedown.

Tags: price posts loss oil


IEA: Coronavirus Will Trigger Biggest Ever Plunge in Energy Demand, Emissions

2020-04-30 15:20:12| OGI

Economic lockdowns brought on by the�coronavirus�pandemic look set to cut global�energy�demand�and carbon dioxide�emissions�by record amounts, the International�Energy�Agency (IEA) said on April 30.

Tags: energy demand biggest trigger


Exxon Mobil to Maintain Dividend Despite Oil Price Plunge

2020-04-29 23:30:00| OGI

Exxon Mobil on April 29 declared a cash dividend of $0.87 cents per sharethe same level as what�the company paid its shareholders in first-quarter 2020.

Tags: price oil maintain mobil


The Coca-Cola Co Q1 2020 - April volumes plunge 25% - results data

2020-04-21 14:22:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The Coca-Cola Co's global volumes are down 25% this month as out-of-home outlets close their doors.

Tags: results data april volumes


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