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Tag: conditions

Poor pasture conditions, low hay stocks and drought

2021-05-17 19:41:00| Beef

Cattlemen fear what a drought could do to the beef industry ins 2012

Tags: conditions low poor hay


Bid to make financial terms and conditions clearer

2021-05-14 15:33:35| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The City regulator wants firms to have a Consumer Duty to ensure fairness and value in products.

Tags: terms make conditions financial


Conditions set stage for poor water quality

2021-05-13 10:00:00| Beef

Lack of precipitation heightens the need to test quality of water in ponds, dugouts and dams before livestock graze land.

Tags: set conditions quality water


ExxonMobil and Porsche testing biofuels and lower-carbon eFuel in race conditions

2021-03-31 11:55:38| Green Car Congress

Tags: conditions testing race porsche


Ghanaian telecom workers go on strike over poor conditions of service

2021-03-15 09:44:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Ghana's telecommunication systems are likely to face a shutdown, following warnings by workers at network operators of a nationwide strike from 15 March, Ghanaweb reported...

Tags: service conditions poor workers


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