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ExxonMobil, Georgia Tech and Imperial College London publish joint research on potential breakthrough in membrane technology for oil refining

2020-07-18 11:55:37| Green Car Congress

Tags: research technology college potential


Closed Offices Present Challenges for College Students Looking to Enter the CRE Industry

2020-07-09 19:20:00| National Real Estate Investor

Many are having difficulty completing their programs internship requirements, and onboarding for first jobs is challenging via Zoom.

Tags: enter present industry college


Christensen Farms supports Northeast Community College Nexus project

2020-07-06 20:10:00| National Hog Farmer

Initial phase of construction includes a new veterinary technology clinic and a new farm site with a large animal handling facility.

Tags: community project college supports


ACI\'s Bradley Is Thurgood Marshall College Fund Hennessy Fellow

2020-06-19 01:04:22| Happi Breaking News

Joins an elite group of 10 being developed to unlock the C-suite.

Tags: college fund marshall fellow


College Students Compete By Helping the Environment

2020-05-19 09:00:00| Waste Age

Around 300 U.S. and Canadian campuses are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that has not stopped them from recycling, donating and composting 48.6 million pounds of waste and removing more than 380 million plastic bottles from waste streams du

Tags: college environment students helping


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