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China Drills Deep in Disputed South China Sea

2021-04-08 16:54:27| OGI

Chinese scientists obtained a sediment core 231 m long at a depth of 2,060 m, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Tags: south china sea deep


MVNOs set to challenge for 5G market in South Korea

2021-04-01 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

The South Korean 5G market is arguably the most advanced in the world, with an uptake rate operators in the rest of the world can only dream of. By February this year, 5G subscriptions stood at 13.66 million, an increase of almost 800,000 from the previous month. For a population of around 52 million people…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: set south market korea


Construction of Large Wind, Solar Project in South Texas Begins

2021-03-30 22:15:00| OGI

Danish energy company rsted said�the Helena Energy Center combined wind and PV-solar project, located in Bee County in South Texas, will be its largest onshore project to date.

Tags: large south project construction


Occidental to Develop CO2 Sequestration Hub for South Texas LNG Project

2021-03-25 23:25:00| OGI

Occidentals venture capital arm, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, agreed to offtake and transport CO from NextDecades planned Rio Grande LNG project and permanently sequester it in an underground geologic formation.

Tags: south project develop texas


5G leader hit by customer unrest operators face legal action in South Korea

2021-03-23 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Legal action is being taken against South Korea’s leading operators SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus after around 1,000 5G smartphone users committed to take legal action over poor quality of the service on the 5G network…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: in legal action south


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