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Item 365 Acquire certain permanent and temporary property rights necessary for construction of the South Portland Burlingame Phase 2 Sewer Rehab project

2021-05-15 00:52:46| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 817kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: rights item south project


A watershed moment: South Korea ramps up semiconductor industry funding

2021-05-14 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Initiated by the coronavirus pandemic and galvanised by geopolitical tensions, the ongoing semiconductor shortage has seen various markets re-examine their supply chains and consider the future of their domestic tech industry.   Under the weight of US sanctions, the Chinese semiconductor market is accelerating rapidly. Facilitated by favourable government policies, including various tax breaks, investment is soaring;  roughly $3.8 billion was invested in Q2 2020 alone…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: south industry moment korea


Andritz Installs Stitchbonding Line in South Africa

2021-05-06 15:39:55| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Line supplied to Romatex will produce Maliwatt products used in a wide range of applications

Tags: line south africa installs


CNOOC Begins Gas Production at South China Sea Deepwater Field

2021-05-06 15:17:59| OGI

The�Liuhua 29-2 field�is expected to reach peak production of about 41 million cubic feet of natural gas per day in 2021.

Tags: south china field production


South Portland | 05-06-21 | 4380 S Macadam Ave | Design w/ Modifications Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-009438 DZM

2021-05-05 20:31:46| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,861kbCategory: Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.

Tags: design review south ave


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