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Neatsy app aims to solve online footwear fit problem

2020-11-25 17:23:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Start-up Neatsy AI is tackling�the problem of online footwear fit with an app that makes an accurate 3D foot scan using only an iPhone.

Tags: online problem fit solve


Nordic Malls Creating Online Shop to Solve Last Mile Dilemma

2020-09-17 16:44:00| National Real Estate Investor

Mall operator Citycon is building a click-and-collect service that would allow consumers to shop the full array of a malls offerings on one website.

Tags: online shop creating mile


This App Could Solve a Big Reopening Problem: Cathy O'Neil

2020-08-03 21:12:00| National Real Estate Investor

The upside of the CO2 issue is that it provides a proxy for a buildings COVID-19 safety.

Tags: problem big solve app


6 Trending Headlines: Can blockchain solve price discovery? PLUS: Quarantined farm kids and a smartphone

2020-08-03 18:53:00| Beef

Blockchain technology may be the answer to solving the beef industrys price discovery dilemma. That and more awaits you in this weeks Trending Headlines.

Tags: price kids farm discovery


AI Tapped to Solve Waste on Earth and in Space

2020-07-22 09:00:00| Waste Age

Artificial intelligence, known as AI, is the marriage of different technologies designed to solve real-world problems. Four companies are using AI to answer problems related to waste management, space junk and food management. Greyparrot is devoted

Tags: in space earth waste


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