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Tag: beef producers

New tool helps beef producers develop custom biosecurity plan for disease

2020-12-23 19:31:00| Beef

NCBAs Beef Quality Assurance program releases a new Beef Checkoff-funded tool to help cattle farmers and ranchers ensure they are prepared with a custom biosecurity plan.

Tags: plan develop tool custom


Beef producers sought for GrowSafe system research at MU

2020-12-08 21:58:00| Beef

Researchers will mine data from the GrowSafe system to help producers select breeding stock cows that eat less while producing calves with similar growth.

Tags: system research mu sought


Beef producers hammer out compromise policy on addressing price discovery

2020-07-30 21:28:00| Beef

In a marathon session, members of the NCBA Live Cattle Marketing Committee agreed, disagreed and finally compromised to move the market forward.

Tags: policy price discovery producers


Beef producers: Do you want to vote on the checkoff?

2020-07-28 21:02:00| Beef

A nationwide petition drive requesting referendum on ending the Beef Checkoff program continues.

Tags: the vote producers beef


California beef producers continue Resilience 2020 campaign

2020-06-02 21:33:00| Beef

Campaign highlights efforts to meet supply chain issues in the face of historic low cattle prices

Tags: continue california campaign producers


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